Another disgustingly mud filled day!

2012 October 03

Created by Kim Donze 9 years ago
So after a disgustingly hard, muddy and cold mens health survival of the fittest last October which left me with blisters the size of 10 pence pieces on both sides of both feet I made a decision not to do it again this year..... Sugar wait, that would have been the sane thing to have done.... Instead I paid my money and signed up for it again!!!! Idiot!!!! So on the 13th of October I shall be running the course again!! I would hope to do it faster than I did before, but having managed little training due to my new job, I think getting through without collapsing will be an achievement!!! So I figured if I got sponsorship then I wouldn't be able to drop out (which believe me, I am contemplating!).... So please light a candle or three... Alternatively make a donation to support me in my madness and raise some more money for this worthy charity! I would love to push the total raised so far to beyond the £3500 mark... And can only do that with your help! Dig deep and let those moths out of your wallets :D Thanks in advance xxxx Kim xxxx